Wonder what you make of the news that people in England may be forced to pay as much as £20,000 on retirement to help fund the social care system under plans being put forward by ministers?
It is one of three options being proposed by the government alongside
top-ups and insurance. In return, the government said a certain amount of social care would be provided free to everyone, while accommodation costs could be deferred
I have a better suggestion. Socialised healthcare yields the worst of all outcomes as the NHS stands grim testament to. So by all means let people make provisions for their health but the cost of this should be the NHS being axed. This Stalinist anachronism has to go along with the battalions of bureaucrats that fill its inners. Government up for THAT?
Once again the prudent who have saved and been frugal during their life will end up paying whilst the reckless ones who have never saved, never worked even when fit and wasted their money will get it free.
I’m not against people who cannot pay due to unforeseen circumstances, but the wastrels will get everything, as usual, whilst the savers and house buyers will suffer.
Time to sell the NHS, preferably to Tesco.
The government have been lying for decades about solving the disgraceful situation where those who work all their lives have to sell their homes to pay for vare while the wasters and scroungers get it all for free.
They are still lying now.