Oh no – it’s the end of British business as we know it. Consider this alarm from the people’s newspaper, The Guardian;
Vital sections of society could be paralysed if swine flu reaches epidemic proportions as expected, the government has been warned. A Whitehall meeting of emergency services and business chiefs has been told that more than a third of Britain’s businesses have no response plans at all for dealing with the pandemic, while specific fears have been raised about the ability of the country’s broadband network and the London Underground to operate effectively.
There’s no need to worry – Gordon Brown is in control and will surely bring public sector efficiency to all those naughty private sector companies that have no response plan in place. Then again, the private sector tends to deal with likely reality rather than fantastical possibilities.
Porky Liam Donaldson airily told us on BBC Radio 2 Friday that ” Well yes, a few healthy people might die as a result of an epidemic but really it’s nothing for most people to worry about, it will usually only be fatal for people who are more or less dead anyway ” ( something like that ).
Changed his tune a bit.
Didn’t we used to call this ‘swine fever’ decades ago, DV? I don’t remember there being much fuss about it back then IF they are one and the same but then we didn’t have a Labour government hell bent on trying to put the fear of God into the whole population at all times!