It is the way with leftists that their words are fine tuned to mean the opposite of what they say. When Tony Blair talked of being tough on crime what he meant was being tough on the victims of crime. But slavish media does not expose the duplicity of leftworld and of Obama in particular! But here is a glimpse of some refreshing truths…
President Barack Obama’s Orwellian rhetoric has become absolutely pathological. And it’s become so blatant that you can almost guarantee that the truth is the exact opposite of what he says. To wit:
The president insisted he had no intention of taking over Chrysler and General Motors.
He did.
The president calls “cap-and-trade” environmental legislation a “market-based” approach, based on “sound science.”
It is not.
The president claims his health care reform plan is not “socialized medicine.”
It is.
He claims it won’t harm private insurance.
It will.
He claims service won’t be rationed.
But to control costs as he proposes, it must be. (Even top aides concede the point.)
Mr. Obama says he supports “democracy” in Latin America.
How can he? He also supports the Marxist ways of Manuel Zelaya, legally removed from Honduras’ presidency by the constitutional actions of the legislative and judicial branches.
And the examples of this president’s mythography go on and on.
Truth is he is a serial liar. And the MSM love it.
I sincerely hoped before he was elected that he wasn’t just going to turn out to be another Tony B. Liar. He’s going to be much worse, as many Americans realise and refer to the whole sorry state of affairs as an Obamanation.