Brown’s Broadcasting Channel
Browsing through the BBC’s website, I noticed an article about Gordon Brown rushing to a fishmongers, after the owner’s wife challenged him about the lack of help for small businesses, during a phone-in show on local radio.
You must go and visit the relevant BBC web page and watch the video. It is astonishing.
Do the BBC think we are stupid? They just happened to have a camera crew in the studio whilst the one-eyed moron was being interviewed. The crew then followed him ‘around the corner’ to the very convenient premises where there was a perfectly choreographed and amiable chat between Brown and the fish seller.
I may be cynical, but this must’ve been a set-up, mostly because Brown doesn’t actually make a complete arse of himself, for a change, and everybody was way too pleasant to him.
Pravda are so far up the Gorgon’s backside that only their feet are visible.
I wonder how many people are going to swallow that drivel?
I figure that’s now precisely the route New Labour are going down. Our public are stupid, Our public don’t care, it’s a fact, lets play on that.
Who out there in the real World believes his one eyed garbage of “No Cuts in public spending”? – Not his own Socialist brethren. Not the opposition. – but the disinterested New Labour public? – Well maybe.
Then throw in the BBC as loyal New Labour apparatchik’s, fawning over Gordon’s every move with sycophantic treatment, and hey presto, it may just limit the carnage in next Years election.
I figure that as soon as New Labour are banished to the dustbin of oblivion in next Years election, the BBC have to be dismantled in their present state straight after. They’re the most biased and dishonest State broadcaster in the Western World, period, and if Cameron refuses to heed that warning, then he’ll get what he so richly deserves. Character assassination at every given opportunity by BBC/New Labour stooges.
Good points, Dazed, and well put.
And how normal is it for a film crew to be present at a radio interview?
0% chance I would imagine.
Give me strength!
It’ll be interesting to hear what David has to say about this whilst wearing his Biased BBC hat . . .
I think it is because the Tories are saving a policy of privatising the BBC for the election and they know it. Why else would they still be pro-Labour? It would be a real Tory coup and gain them votes, perhaps in the millions, except for the Notting Hill luvvies of course.
It’s not that the electorate is stupid. It’s that it’s not paying attention. With the out-of-the-corner-of-one-eye-while-busy-with-other-things view of the media most people have, this kind of con trick works. We political obsessives may be infuriated by it, but the Conservatives are going to have to make media friends and get their hands dirty. Sad, but true.
This video shows the BBC for what it is. Nothing but the Brown Broadcasting Corporation (as GOT calls it). I’m not happy to have my TV tax paying for drivelling propaganda of this kind.
A visiting Beeboid here.
Sorry to piss on your fire a bit with this one, but I’m afraid it would be perfectly normal for a camera crew to be at a local radio interview – we get very limited time with a party leader and often radio interview shots are the only set-ups we get.
Plus, BBC Radio Leeds and BBC Look North are in the same building. I think if you were an editor and heard the PM was going to visit a critical caller, you might send a film crew too, no?
And, as a reporter, a polite encounter would NOT be what you would want in your ideal world. Much better (purely in news terms) is the very challenging conversation (like the one Blair faced ourside the hospital that time).