The rise of multiculturalism and its equally evil twin moral relativism has had the desired effect;
Britain is no longer a Christian nation and the Church of England could die out within a generation, an Anglican bishop has warned. Rt Rev Paul Richardson said declining church attendance and the rise in multiculturalism meant that “Christian Britain is dead”. He criticised his fellow bishops for failing to appreciate the scale of the crisis and warned that their inaction could seal the Church’s fate.
Can’t help but agree with Rev Richardson. It must be doubly infuriating for him to witness the behaviour of his own earthly leader, Druid Williams, who shills for Sharia and who appear to have no concept of the essential truths of Christianity. I think the term is a whitened sepulchre.
I don’t see that many people ceasing to believe in a myth is a big problem. A whole bunch of new people believing in a different myth, with unpleasant consequences, is a problem.
I think this might have something to do with it all.
checkout out the Euromed agreement here:-
Euromed Agreement
At the risk of repeating a comment I made on the ATW Blog:
I am always bemused by the fact that so many “atheists” feel the need to deride those of us who do believe.