So, here I am on the All Seeing Eye and I wanted to cover off a number of issues with you.
For starters, today has been all about expenses. The BBC has published how it wastes our taxes and the Conservative troughers have agreed to pay back a cool 25o0k of the money they stole from us. I am not impressed when thieves return that which they should never have taken in the first instance, are you?
Then, Russian shows just how democratic it has become since the fall of the USSR by welcoming the Iranian election results as “an exercise in democracy”. How Putin must miss Stalin!
I caught an item on the BBC earlier today concerning the rights for Eastern European kids to come to the UK – for free – because they are victims of the Chernobyl fall-out. This is a vast scam and we should stop these sort of taxpayer funded tourism. Those in the Ukraine and Belarus who claim to have kids blighted with illness as a direct consequence of the radiation fall-out are SCAMMING -pure and simple. There is more radiation in the rocks in Aspen than in the hinterland of Chernobyl and it’s high time someone challenged this eco-alarmism.
Finally, on the celeb front, I see that Michael Jackson has died. He suffered a heart attack. The end of a sad life.
If the extent of the BBCs expenses expose is as extensive as BBC Radio 2 were reporting yesterday I might well be impressed.
As for Iran, even though their election was flawed in design and fraudulent in execution at least ever more countries at least try to appear to adopt the democratic model which must say something.
The BBC should be made to publish the salaries and expenses of its highly paid stars. It is after all the tax payers money for which we could ultimately go to jail if we did not pay this TV tax.