They say that one can judge how civilised a nation is by how it looks after it’s elderly people. Under Labour, we have become barbaric…
The UK pension provision is the most miserly in the
developed world, official statistics confirmed yesterday. Pensioners living solely on state benefits receive less than a third of the income of average workers, the figures reveal, putting the UK at the bottom of a league table of 17 leading industrialised countries. The shortfall means British workers will have to save far more to guarantee a decent standard of living in retirement. And last night a separate Westminster report warned that the savings culture will be further wrecked by punitive new tax rates on pensions announced in Chancellor Alistair Darling’s last Budget.
So the socialists in power have ended up making those with least even less well-off! Once again we see the chasm between their pious words and the hard reality.
>>They say that one can judge how civilised a nation is by how it looks after its elderly people<<.... and that is a good reminder too.
You could also add ‘sick and infirm’ as a further requirement, because many past, so-called civilisations did indeed look after their elderly, and even worshiped them, but the sick and infirm were slung on the rubbish tip, as happened in the final days of the Roman empire. (it was never referred to as a ‘civilisation’ per se).