The Mofo of all Parliaments.
Today sees CON-servative John Bercow start his first full day as the new Speaker of the Commons – to the delight of the Labour Party pack who put him there. This posturing poltroon is perfect for the job in my view. He is a serial trougher, thinks the Commons is full of decent people like himself, and thus offers us no chance of restoring integrity to the body politic. Yet he is the choice of the politicians at Westminster – proving once and for all that this current Parliament is the most corrupt and most wicked there has been. Cromwell had the right idea -if only HE were alive and a candidate for Speaker! There is no honour amongst the dishonourable and thus Bercow is elevated and our democracy degenerates further.
Thank you for that. Will give you a call – very sorry to hear this. In the meantime, until ASE returns I will hold this fort.