And It Worked Really Well Last Time, Nein?
From the ever odd Austrian Times, we have the Survey Of The Day.
One in five Austrians want a “strong leader”. The demographic group contributing to this poll may or many not have consisted mostly of itinerant Austrian painters with small mustaches and body odour.
However we learn:
“A study reveals that six per cent of Austrians would welcome a military dictatorship.
The analysis, conducted by political analyst Thomas Hofer, also found that half of Austrians are unhappy with democracy.
One in five people interviewed expressed a desire for a “strong leader,” while 50 per cent said they would like foreigners kicked out of the country if the situation in the labour market worsened.
Another result of the research is that general interest in politics has decreased over the past ten years.”. Eh, which channel is the football on mate?
A random observation – the article was written by Thomas Hochwarter which presumably for journalistic balance should mean that he has a co-editor called Cauldwarter.
The Austrian Times is now essential reading!
DV, you have NO idea what you have missed. Their sister papers the Croatian and Romanian Times sometimes make you sob in to your handkerchief with the stupidity of their stories. They are daily reads for TheEye!