Hackney Council hates soldiers
Armed Forces Day – What is it?
The first Armed Forces Day is 27 June 2009, and is an opportunity for the nation to show our support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community.
Every single council in the mainland, most in Northern Ireland (with obvious reasons where they havn’t) and all but one London Borough have signed up to doing something to honour Britain’s Armed forces on the above day or the week preceding.
But! Apparently Hackney Council think that Britain’s Armed Forces stink, and want nothing to do with it.
Shame on you!
Now, I understand why this could be a problem, as I am sure that I myself have sent at least one or two members of Hackney’s community to eternal damnation whilst they’ve been on their holidays in the Pakistan /Afghan border area (such a lovely place to go for vacations don’t’ you think?). but for that I can only apologise (but, actually I won’t, it was such fun!).
Can anyone out there in Hackneystan get it over to your glorious leaders (if they can read English) that the reason this country is not a shit hole is because of the Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen, not despite of them. (hhmm, just had second thoughts about that last comment since I have seen Hackney recently, and …….. well enough said).
If you want to find out more click here or the bold title.
Update, I am assured that Gibraltar will be flying the special flag for the preceding week, so I shall expect “The Eye” to upload a piccie of it here.
St C
The English are a very patient lot but there comes a point when the worm will turn.
Soon Lorenzo, very soon.