Her Majesty And D-Day : Fact Checking
Whilst it is disgraceful that Her Majesty was not invited to the commemorations in Normandy to honour the heroes of “Obama Beach”, it is interesting to note one fact-ette.
The Queen is constantly being referred to as the only current head of state who was in uniform and served during WWII. The latest observation of this untruth was spoken by Andrew Neil on the BBC today. Odd that unusually the reliable BBC fact-checking department slipped up here (sarcasm = off).
Because unfortunately it happens to be false. Step forward (or should that be goose-step forward) Pope Benedict XVI, lately of the Hitler Youth and member of an anti-aircraft unit 1944-1945.
Just saying, that’s all.
Quelle surprise!
The BBC withholding all the facts eh?
Having said that TheEye, a far more reliable and informative source than the BBC, has enlightened me with this fact-ette.
Thank you.
It IS a good point – must cross reference on atw – my Irish republican fan base will just love it.
Puts on tin hat and looks for nearest trench.Will check ATW for the results later!
So, why do you spread a false image of Joseph Ratzinger with a photo taken in the Church of Traunstein AFTER the Second World War, and with his raised other arm CUT OFF in your version of this picture. The authentic photo shows clearly his brother next to him where they in actual fact are giving their very first “Primizsegen” ( priestly blessing – with both arms raised NB – after having become priests) to the congregation in front of them. The origianl and authentic photo was taken in 1950 or 1951 in front of the altar. It appears in its authentic form in many books and on many websites dedicated to Pope Benedict XVI. But surely you could see that your version is a doctored one? So, you’re dishonest.
I think it is high time that people like yourself who maliciously post false pictures of a good person should be brought to the attention of the Pope himself or at least the Vatican. This Pope was conscripted against his will (as a boy) into the army, fortunately at the end of the war; and he was forced by law , together with his whole school class, to be part of the Hitler Jugend which he so much hated that he managed to attend only a few of their meetings.
You can actually spare yourself the trouble to continue, like some cocky other web users, to try and paint the Pope as a Nazi. Most people are really well informed about the truth because he never tried to disguise his life. There is better things to do with your time.
10 outa 10 bro … Outstanding