10…9…8…Countdown To GorDoom.
It is almost exactly 50 hours until the Beginning Of The End. The Götterdämmerung except that was of course the Twilight Of The Gods and Gordoom hardly qualifies as one of those.
From the G.O.T we are reminded with a typically excellent picture as to how it’s going to turn out. Most polls put the Tories up roughly 200 council seats, that a similar number of Labour local government seat-polishers will find their careers on toast and that the Libs will just tread water.
Will we wake up with Harriet Dromey throwing her hairpiece into the ring? Or a stopgap PM? Or Alan Johnson suitably beered up that he really thinks he could get Labour to a stunning triumph?
A tip from TheEye, Alan…keep off the tequila when it starts going messy because rash decisions to challenge won’t be sensible. Play the long game and go to bed early. Next morning – you already had that private uncontactable holiday to France booked, didn’t you? It’s your ticket for after Gordoom decides to retreat further in to the bunker and fight on until Ultimate Victory!
Interesting to see whether UKIP lose out – and thats the curse of the list system that you might want to knock off a person at the top but want somebody lower down to get in. Awful system and needs replacing. The BNP vote will be fascinating too. Moving out of heartlands? Or consolidating inside them? Or falling back? JuryTeam? Daniel 1979 has hopes but there is little isn’t much of a response on the doorsteps in this parish. Not one of those three parties has a spotted poster up.
Our new ASE co-conspirator David Vance is a Northern Islander and none of our other bloggers know anything about that parish. Check out A Tangled Web for many different opinions and also interviews of candidates on that part of the world. Not much doubt to TheEye where St C’s cross will go if he has survived being bitten by a snake on the jungle exercise in Singapore. GOT remains, as has always been his deliberate choice, out there anonymously in the ever-darkening twilight so don’t bother asking.
It’s going to be carnage on the night but TheEye will love it…not just as the results come in but for fear of how the GOT may well have a graphical hatchet-job lined up. Put your tin helmets on.
I can’t wait!
Neither can TheEye hehe. Was thinking about doing a seperate post asking where everyone might be lurking but this will do instead…B-BBC to fisk it David? Iain Dale and that liberal bloke Mata Hari are doing a live chat. Unsure but ToryBear has been dabbling with QT recently so he might. Guido but not really my style. Now there is (GOT) hilarious swearing and then just obnoxious stuff. A few of Guido’s commenters get tedious.Views chaps and chapesses over the course of the day? It’d be fun if we all ended up making a nuisance of ourselves in the same parish!
Yeah, all right so I messed up the avatar bit. Is this TheEye of concern?