The US Hat-Tips The Maggie/Reagan Special Relationship
The U.S. House of Representatives has just passed a resolution “recognizing the 30th anniversary of the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain.” The resolution, proposed by Congresman Ted Poe of Texas, was passed on 12th May by 339 votes to 64, with all 165 Republicans present voting in favour. The 64 Democrats who voted against included some prominent far left wingnuts including William Delahunt and Barney Frank, both of Massachusetts. Some of the others are also widely acknowledged to be on medication for mental afflictions. Ted “Oh well, let her drown” Kennedy is still with us for a while but will be having his arse examined with a red-hot poker on Dante’s 7th ring of the inferno fairly shortly. RIP Mary-Jo.
He’ll be joined by Senator Robert “Ooops I was in the KKK but never mind” Byrd (the only ex-KKK member in the Senate – and a Democrat which means that it doesn’t matter and can be forgotten about) in the hot-poker impregnation queue in the post death very warm downstairs afterlife experience.
As the vote showed, Lady Thatcher remains a hugely popular figure among conservatives in America, but it was also fantastic to see 174 Democrats putting political divisions aside and recognizing her huge achievements in advancing liberty and freedom across the world as well as the Anglo-American Special Relationship.
Good to see – and glad that Barney voted against it. I could never support anything he endorsed!