Lurkas In Burquas: Hawaii Edition
On Wednesday, the State Senate of Hawaii passed a law to inaugurate an annual “Islam Day”. It will be on September 24th each year and was passed by their Senate 22 votes to 3. It had already passed successfully though the State House.
The law has a stated aim to recognize “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions that Islam and the Islamic world have made.”
There is, naturally, not a “Christianity Day” in Hawaiian law, and though the state did designate Good Friday a government holiday the local courts ruled that it was “primarily proposed to increase the frequency of legal holidays.”
How long before we get an “Islam Day” in the UK?
Dont give them ideas! Before you know it Christmas day will be abolished as well.
Thank god I was there before this latest prostration to the ROP.
“the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions that Islam and the Islamic world have made”
Show me the proof of that statement and I might believe it. It’s nonsense.
Shools and education for all? The Christians brought that about.
Penal reform? Ditto Christians.
Abolition of slavery? Ditto- although I note that the Koran says that it’s OK to keep slaves.
Every major scientific discovery since the reformation?
The apologists say that Islam is responsible for the Arabic numbers system. But wait- the clue is in the name. Arabic- not Islamic. In use hundreds of years before Islam was founded.
How about art and music? Well- for a start Islam bans the depiction of any living creature so that’s out. Music- The Christian church is responsible for the doh rey me musical system- which is itself based on mathematical principles. (Doh rey me are the first syllables of early Christian plainsong sung by the monks)
To add weight to the Christian origin of music- have you listened to arabic/islamic music?
I could go on, but I rest my case
I was going to say that Islam’s contributions to technological achievements don’t go beyond the improvised explosive device but even that would be over generous: the IRA and INLA were far more advanced in this respect.
Anyone for a North Korean Economic Achievements Recognition Day?
You don’t have to bother reading the DRPK propaganda website to burst out laughing – just check out the linked-to-from-here brilliant Croydonian for his Best Of DRPK posts. Unmissable.
TheEye has only been to your bit of geography a few times but the Big Boss wore a Naval uniform over there for a good few years and TheEye learned a tale or two on his knee as his boy. Also was taken for a visit to the lake where some soldiers and Lord Mountbatten were doubtless wondering at the time if they’d left that steak and ale pie in the cooker after all.
IED’s meant that none of them ever found out. TheEye never forgets how lucky a son can be when still having a father after those dark times.