Diamonds In The Dark (Or Not)
Now TheEye has no truck with this eco-nonsense. David Cameron may have a windmill on his house and councils may be putting microchips in bins but it comes to just too much when the entire world is instructed to turn every light off for some nonsense called “Earth Hour”.
Doubtless our children at primary school were instructed, rather as they have been told to make parents feel guilty about smoking, to lecture us about the moral necessity of needing to fall over things in the dark for an hour because it would save cuddly pandas.
When pandas fight, they chew the feet off their defeated opponent to make sure of the victory. There may be a moral in there somewhere. If badgers did the same then Alistair Darling would be *nonswearyblogcan’tsayshittingit* very nervous.
Anyway, TheEye turned a few random lights on during “Earth Hour” just to be annoying and also to save the feet of at least one panda. Then he could have seen the other panda trying to creep up on him. More usefully…who really was going to do this stupidity? Apart from the House of Commons it wasn’t exactly a roaring triumph even with the usual suspects.
You’d think California, wouldn’t you? Land of the wishy-washy liberal sort….land of the place which says exactly by law how many ice-cream shops can exist there and puts you on a waiting list if you want to open a new one. The state which always votes Democrat…including Arnie who really is one but couldn’t recall Gray Davis unless he called himself Republican. They are surely well up for this rubbish.
But no! Look at the graphs. Compare and contrast two days of the hand-wringing teary-eyed seal-hugging glacier-watchers from one of the most pathetic lefty states in the U.S. Nobody actually cared!
If even California don’t give a toss then Swampy might as well go and get a job at ASDA.
Diamonds in the Dark – a great song by the Mystery Jets gives our title.
Little chance of a corresponding baby boom then ?
Well, TheEye is hoping that the little plastic raincoat was functioning properly that day…and other days too. No baby boom to be seen here hopefully.