LiveChat Of BBC Question Time On Thursday
As usual, one of your convivial hosts will be assisting with the moderation of a live-chat over on BiasedBBC which provides in-running banter, comment and lashings of haughty contempt during Question Time.
The panelists most likely to make me throw things at the screen this week are Charles Clarke, Caroline Lucas and Ed Davey. Eric Pickles is a sound cove and TheEye will probably be nodding quite a bit when he speaks. Michael Winner is the random oddball chairpolisher who may or may not be entertaining (probably depending on his pre-show red wine intake).
Biased-BBC, Thursday at 10:30pm UK time. Whatever your views on the BBC, please join us and add your 0.02p!
“Eric Pickles is a sound cove and TheEye will probably be nodding quite a bit when he speaks”
hmmm…you were probably the only one.
As someone who supported his promotion and liked him when I heard him speak at meetings TheEye was incredibly disappointed by his performance this evening.
Looking back on it now, there wasn’t much nodding going on at all.