Mind Your Own Business (Part Deux)
“It’s Either Banned Or Compulsory” asks an interesting question in the Comments on the DVDs given to The One-Eyed One Eyed Son of the Manse.
What DVD’s should he have been given instead?
Great idea and TheEye will kick this off:
Moby Dick – what else for Jonah Broon?
An Inspector Calls – for this corrupt government
We Know Where You Live (Eddie Izzard Live) for the control freak database-gathering nutters.
Under Siege – by the voters.
Ice Age – for those gov advisers who are sucking on the “global warming” teat.
U571 – didn’t we once have a Navy?
Hornblower – ah, yes, we did. (no jokes about his supposed sexuality please…unless you feel like it)
Armageddon – Labour at the next election.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – don’t worry, you’ll have many of those soon.
Mars Attacks! – No, I thought that the recession was all America’s fault?
Tombstone – Your career.
TheEye does not tag, but cordially invites contributions in the Comments.
Most excellent sport to be had here!
Well done to The Eye and EBC for sending G.O.T’s brain into overdrive. This is going to be fun.
. . . . back later!
Blair Witch Project too obvious.
(Ed)Balls of Fury?
but definitely Fawlty Towers
Windtalkers and The Man Who Never Was.
He has saved the planet in his head but The World Is Not Enough, because I Am Legend.
Here’s a few I thought might fit the bill . . .
Some Like It ‘Snot’
Close Encounters of the ‘Turd’ Kind
The Untouchables
Liar Liar
‘Back’ Hand Luke
The Lord of the Rings
The Big ‘Sleazy’
Fiddler on the ‘Poof’
The Usual Suspects
Rear Window
Good ones and you left the best until last. Perfect and all had me laughing.
For his time in office we have “Brief Encounter”.
PM-wannabe Harperson wants to insert a Wesley Snipes “Blade”
The country is sinking into Tom Hank’s “The Money Pit”
We can’t release this idea any further because it’ll crash the bloody net with suggestions.
On second thoughts, sod it guys, why don’t we push this one out?
Death Race 2010
But the winner is
THX 1138
THX 1138 is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs. (Directed by George Lucas)