Irish IT Eyes Are Shining…On Expense Accounts
TheEye knows a nice little earner when one appears on the horizon. Courtesy of The Croydonian we can see how Northern Ireland’s lawyers are raking it in (£98M for the Saville Inquiry and the meter still running). This is hardly news.
More interesting for TheEye and his fellow cable-monkeys is the amount being spent on IT in general (£38 Million for Saville alone) . Tory Owen Patterson MP (Shropshire North) is a much underrated bloke and will doubtless get a senior job after the Fall Of The House Of Brown. He’s been asking questions in the House of Commons.
Mr C links, as an example, to the website for Robert Hamill’s inquiry. TheEye could have knocked it up in an afternoon with a standard template. However the conflict between charging £xx0,000 and paying off the rest of the mortgage against being able to sleep at night knowing that you weren’t a taxpayer-fleecing robbing scumbag is tricky.
Okay, it might have taken a couple of days work to be fair, but TheEye does want a few hours break to go to the pub between coding.
Hat-Tip: Croydonian
Thirty years ago IT bods used to have private companies in thrall to their gobbledygook, does this indicate that they still do for parts of the public sector ?
Who authorises all this or is the Saville Inquiry a uniquely bottomless pit ?
TheEye thinks that if you shout loudly into the moneypit of the Saville Inquiry all you’ll get is an echo-echo-echo-echo.
But ditto ID cards, the NHS database, that database to record your every email and web visits, the one to record your flight travel plans…ah you name it and an IT consultant has a product that will *help*.