The Economics Of Hopenchange
This has to be a pretty damning indictment of the Jug-Eared Obamessiah who was going to rid the world of all of it’s woes.
Instead he’s just brought utter devastation. This graphic from the Investors Business Daily.
Those who follow US politics will have heard of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada.
On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show yesterday he said that the US banking industry is “very close” to being stabilized and the nation’s economy is starting to rebound.
“We tend to talk about the negative. … Things are beginning to turn and I think the American people are going to feel that very soon“
Assuming of course that you can believe a single word spoken by this Yank Democrat / Politician / Serial Liar.
This would of course make the US the economy singularly best placed in the world to emerge fastest from recession. Ooops, didn’t the Snot Gobbler say that was us? So which one is the weapons-grade lying bastard?
They are politicans. Both of them are.
The Obama wankfest isn’t over yet in the media though.
You can almost smell the lovin’