Brace Yourselves: TheEye Is On The Loose
TheEye and St Crispin have, by and large, managed to contain their general venom for the few months that this blog has existed. It’s been non-sweary and will remain (roughly) so.
However, there are times when words need to be said, and GrumpyOldTwat and TheEye have come to an arrangement. TheEye will swear over there and the GOT is welcome to drop anchor in this harbour whenever the mood takes.
This will keep both blogs true to their roots and styles, but give TheEye a chance to release the hidden storm on a sweary site.
As the song goes: There may be trouble ahead…
G.O.T. feels honoured to be invited tp such a respectable place and is also excited at the prospect of The Eye being ‘on the loose’ over at ‘Sweary Towers’.
Many thanks, it will be fun!
Mr Twat,
Please accept my warmest welcome to this site.
Love ‘n’ Kisses
St. C
Easy with the “Love and Kisses” bit St C.
We aren’t in the Australian Army.
Oi Oi. St C.!
Love ‘n’ Kisses?
Steady on!
But I will accept your warmest wishes and, of course, extend the same invitation to you (that’s to swear your way through a post at my place – and not the love ‘n’ kisses thing).
Firm handshakes and deep voices all around eh?
And I would extend a further welcome to GOT and St C to A Tangled Web where some of the liberals that comment there are a challenge to even a hardened swearer!