Vote Stearn!
Regardless of his (unknown) politics, TheEye thoroughly recommends the members of the University of Exeter Students’ Guild to vote for this bloke as their next President.
Although your humble host has lengthened the night of more than a couple of returning officers and tellers in his time, he never had the courage to come up with such a brilliant slogan.
Or the hair either, if the silhouette proves to be accurate.
Good luck to the chap.
Hat-Tip: ToryBear
Ha ha, what an excellent slogan and I’m sure that a certain EBC will find this amusing too!
EBC will love this one.
Before reading the text I thought the silhouette was promoting Gary Glitters’ comeback tour.
Excellent slogan “ put your dick in the guild ” which should prove a winner against such an unrepresentative list of opponents, only one Sophie and not a Toby in sight.
History lesson. Exeter University has a Student Guild rather than Union because it split from the main body some decades ago, not wanting to be part of the revolting students thing of the 1970s’ and 80s’. Now it just likes to look different.