Princess Royal To Visit Gibraltar
Gibraltar is loyal to the Crown. Gibraltar is proud of its history, heritage and has shown in referendum after referendum that there is no wish to break the link with the United Kingdom.
So why the fuss over the Princess Royal, Princess Anne visting? She is coming to open a medical centre named in her honour next month and staying for two days. Angel Lossada who is the Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has told the British Ambassador in Spain, Denise Holt, that the visit is “inopportune” and “an annoyance”.
So much for the diplomatic speak reported in the Times. Allow TheEye to introduce you to an 18-carat arsehole – PSOE senator Jose Carracao (for it is he).
He firmly believes that Spanish tanks should be rolling down Main Street this afternoon and would happily give the order himself. He’s restrained himself slightly by saying that the visit could derail the tripartite talks (which cover everything including border crossing, territorial waters, pollution etc) if the visit is high profile.
Carracao said that following his meetings with the Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos and more later on with Andrew Whittaker First Secretary at the British Embassy, he was concerned that the “engagement” with Gibraltar has lost momentum.
“If we stop peddling on the bike we could fall off,” he said also repeating his argument that Chief Minister Peter Caruana has been “endiosado” (‘too big for his boots’) and that he should speak to Campo (the local area) leaders as well as to ministers in Madrid.
He told Mr Whittaker that he felt there should now be bilateral talks on the question of sovereignty between Britain and Spain. This *twitch* is *twitch* not *twitch* a *twitch* sweary *twitch* blog *twitch*. Cunt. Damn, lost it there. Sorry all.
“I was the most avid supporter of dialogue and co-operation and of setting sovereignty aside but I think that with that sense of co-operation that now exists we should begin to address the issue of sovereignty. We have to carry on making agreements so that issues like maritime co-operation avoid serious incidents but we also have to address sovereignty on a bilateral basis,” he said.
Carracao also whined to the Spanish Foreign Minister that it was not right that the only go-between for Spain and Gib Opposition Leader Joe Bossano was himself.
“The Spanish Government also has to talk with Mr Bossano, with that part of Gibraltar represented by Bossano.” Bossano is in his 80’s and leads the out-of power Gibraltar Socialist Party although he was, to be fair, Chief Minister in the 90’s.
Bringing back the politics rubbish, he said it “injures the sensitivities of Spanish public opinion and that of the Campo in particular.”
“We have nothing against the Royal Family or the Princess of course. What is provocative is that Princess Anne should come over to open a medical centre with her own name built on the isthmus. And this on a territory that is subject to dispute.“
It’s not in bloody dispute as far as I’m concerned. Or the residents of Gibraltar as expressed in every referendum, war and election since the late 1700’s.
Carracao said that he believes that once the visit is made it will be “evaluated” by the Spanish Government and it will respond accordingly, depending if it is high level or discreet event.
“If it is high profile it could, I think, prejudice the talks”
He said that the PSOE were already facing criticism from the PP opposition (see my earlier post on them) who would say that the Madrid Government had made concessions to Gibraltar and not even been able to prevent a “provocation” of this nature.
Sodding provocation? What? You’re having a laugh. Royal family member visting own territory thingy? Eh?
“If the visit sees the princess swamped by the multitudes I would not be surprised if it derails the talks,” he said.
The visit was discussed at great length last night at the Royal Gibraltar Yacht Club at a dinner featuring the Minister for Sport, Commander British Forces, the Chief of Police and more distinguished pillars of the community than you could shake a stick at. TheEye had a splendid evening despite the proximity of an unknown insurance salesman. The card is in the bin. No-one had anything but positive comments about the visit. As it was a free bar, TheEye may have missed something worth reporting though.
TheEye would like to acknowledge David Vance on A Tangled Web for also running with this story. Visit his excellent site please.
Personally, TheEye will be at the forefront of the ‘swamping multitudes’. Spain (and Sr Carracao) can go screw themselves.
The Princess Royal is part of the monarchy. Gibraltar is a crown dependency. It’s only right that she visits. The f&cking dagos can ram it!
Or, they can come & try & take it!!
I for one will be happy to set up an AS 90 on the top of the rock, and then we’ll see just how far a cannonball flies!
The Spanish show more nerve here than when it comes to defending themslves against Islamic killers. Paella-eating surrender monkeys.
” but I think that with that sense of co-operation that now exists we should begin to address the issue of sovereignty. “
Give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile. Precisely why such talks should not be taking place in the first place.
Just like Argentinas claim on the Falklands, Spain claims that Gibralter is ” in dispute ” just because Spain says she wants it.
Oi ! Spain, we want Cadiz, right, that’s Cadiz in counter-dispute then.
As TheEye has said before, the Spanish Navy have glass-bottomed boats so that the current navy can look at their last navy.
The problem would be if the one-eyed Scottish idiot didn’t have the same cojones as Maggie did when tanks rolled in to another bit of overseas territory.
TheEye makes one firm guarantee. If the Spanish ever invade and you hear on the television that resistance fighters have taken to the tunnels and are shooting back…I will be one of them.
Blogging will be light but resistance will be heavy. I must buy a Blackberry or somesuch because to liveblog an invasion has got to be fairly spectacular.
Quite right, just another attempt to make the British forget that the Rock is there… Who the hell do they think they are trying to tell our Royal Family off for travelling within Sovereign Territory?
nothing to be much worried about: the uk is about to implode, with scotland and wales gone the former imperial power will be liquidated for good, and gibraltar will cease to be a moneylaundering hotspot
well put gibraltar: just have to sit and wait, the scots and the irish will do all work for us