Drink? You Should Be Flogged
So says Anjem Choudray; Muslim fruitcake and general Tosspot Of This Parish.
Alcohol is the “root of all evil” he said on his Islam4UK website yesterday, and anyone drunk in public should, under the Sharia Law which he insists must be imposed on Great Britain, get 40 lashes. It’s 80 for a second ‘offence’.
TheEye is not unduly worried tonight as he is drunk at home and not in public. Pip Pip!
Anjem (or Andy as he called himself at the University of Southampton where he drank, shagged and smoked pot and took LSD) isn’t a particularly nice bloke.
Speaking a conference on September 11, 2008 in London, he said
“It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside.”
“We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law.”
In response to a question posed at a demented rant in November 2008 he told a female Muslim with regard to Islam being a religion of peace:
“Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah.”
He’s been struck off as a solicitor, formed two nutjob organisations which even THIS dhimmi government couldn’t ignore and had to ban, and has also called for the assassination of the Pope. The most worrying, though, is his repeated call for alcohol should be “removed from society“.
“Under Islam, all harmful intoxicants will be banned unequivocally, regardless of their classification or their profitability in retail marketing.”
As justification he always uses the example of George Best. George Bloody Best? Okay, so he wasn’t too shabby at Association Football and threw his life away on the demon drink, but if he knew that he was being used as an example by a Muslim terrorist then he’d spin in his grave (although always managing to tilt his wrist to keep the glass upright).
Due to this banning threat, TheEye has spent several decades on a mission to buy all of the alcohol in the world and stockpile it in the cellar of Eye Towers in preparation for the Apocalypse. Some, though, has been sampled in the meantime and it remains work-in-progress.
SOURCES: Original nutjob rant at the scary Islam4UK and also seen at the Daily LabourGraph and some quotes from Wikipedia.
A local Snooker club is frequented by our Muslim student guest community; one expressed his outrage at being served a hamburger rather than the beefburger ordered.
To sooth his injured Islamic sensibilities he demanded Compensation. The Management were OK with that until he asked for compo by way of Lager for him and his buddies at which they got told to get lost ( though he did get his money back for the burger, fair enough ).
Stockpiling? I’m just drinking the stuff!
Hypocritical twats like this twat who say alcohol is the ‘root of all evil’ are in fact themselves the ‘root of all evil’.
It’s enough to drive you to drink.
Therefore. G.O.T. will be consuming industrial quantities of vin rouge this evening, before during and after he indulges in a particularly enjoyable chicken chilli garlic concoction prepared by his local Bangladeshi restaurant.
The owner will, no doubt, by sharing a few glasses of said vin rouge with me, as he usually does.
TheEye will be dining at the Yacht Club tonight, don’tchyaknow…if only this bloody bow tie would work.
They are the work of the devil incarnate.
The vin rouge will be flowing copiously and blogging may be light tomorrow!
I have some Mead brewing in demijohns in my airing cupboard. Hypocrites like Choudrey make me sick. In his desire to live under Sharia, he should go back and live there not be here telling US what to do.
TheEye agrees entirely. My gaff, my rules.
If you don’t agree then take your ball away and go and play with another country who might actually want you. We don’t.