Public Service Announcement
This is not a cheap undertaking, and it also involves a certain Sleeping-At-A-Mate’s-Place effort as the disruption really is unbearable. Therefore one of your two humble contributors has been unusually silent. My apologies.
This will be rectified with a splurge of posts as soon as possible to catch up on all that has gone on in the last few days – however if anyone can find out what has really happened to TractorStats in the meantime then TheEye would appreciate it. If gone then will be very badly missed.
St Crispin will do an excellent job here and also on his own blog as TheEye is currently unable to provide instant random abuse.
UPDATE: The Lone Voice has tracked down a gallery of TractorStats best work here. The mystery remains though.
I do hope The Eye’s building work runs as smoothly as it can do. I know that it can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare when these ‘builder chappies’ get to work.
No pain, no gain etc!
Look forward to seeing you back here soon.
Apparently, Mr. Twat, it’s all now got “a bit tricky, Squire” and “it don’t look quite as simple as we thought”.
Which is fun.
Oh no, not those old chesnuts.
Next thing you know it’ll be ‘well gov, we can do it but it’ll cost yer’.
From experience, you have my sympathy and I dare say that I could send ‘a paddle’ out to you if you find that you should need one.
I sincerely hope that you won’t require one though!
It’s got even more exciting. Whilst TheEye was out performing tasks for mortal beings, it appears that one builder turned up to the Temple in a state of considerable inebriation and managed to apparently fracture his pelvis on the premises. Falling down marble stairs is not clever.
On the Not-Good Scale this rates a hefty 9.3 and TheEye has already verified damn sharpish with a lawyer that one isn’t in the merde.