Heave Half A Brick….
Not something you will want anywhere near you at 4pm UK time today if in a violent frame of mind. Chapter 15 of The Armourer’s Prentices by Charlotte Yonge which is on TheEye’s current “being read” schedule is called Heave Half A Brick At Him.
Replace ‘Him’ with ‘Her’.
You may need more than just half a brick if you tune in to Radio4 today. Sharon Shoesmith, sacked because of her major responsibility in the death of Peter Connelly (Baby P) is being interviewed on ‘Woman’s Hour’ today.
This could be her mea culpa, may be her attempt at justification, or a way to pass blame on to the Government. Or the Tories. Or perhaps mind-controlling sentient frogs.
Whichever way, ensure that when listening you have no potential projectiles within range, as significant damage to wireless equipment is likely.
UPDATE: Also just spotted this story on GOT who appears to have beaten us to it and has a much more appropriate picture of a noose. That’s what you get for a heavy night out and a late start.
The Eye’s suggestion of a brick is a good one.
It would be a very useful blunt instrument with which to knock some sense into the bitch.
I suggest that we all form a disorderly queue.