Land This One If You Can, Mr Brown

January 17, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Picture and text borrowed from Curly’s Corner Shop due to its excellence. It appears to be his original work and his site, although occasionally parochial to South Shields, is well worth checking out.

Unfortunately 155 politicians survived

The captain said that the failure of the Economy and it’s subsequent crash may have been caused by a “bird like strike” into the engines by MPs who refused to give up their liking for the mile high life and refused to allow others to see what the greedy sods were spending.

“I have always maintained that the Economy was well placed to weather the storm, but on this occasion I admit that this has not been a miraculous escape” said Capt. Brown, unfortunately the budget airline now appears ready to remove him from office after it was alleged that he misrepresented the airworthiness of the Economy and deliberately attempted to save the skins of 155 Labour MPs closest to him instead of the millions of other passengers that the airline was responsible for.

A spokesman for the company agreed that:

“the Economy is not in the best possible shape at all, we are sorry that we appear to be lumbering under European regulation, and our operations are being hampered by a growing debt problem, we are trying to borrow more to get us out of the water. Right now it appears as though we are sinking, drowning in debt!”

Very good.