Who is most deserving?
War veterans’ clubhouse is handed to travellers.
St C is fuming! I can say no more until I calm down!
Hat Tip to Rum Ration for the steer.
UPDATE: The recommended GrumpyOldTwat has picked up the story with a kind hat-tip to St C. (by TheEye)
WTF !!
I hate those rob dog, pikey parasites.
I’ll have to go and have a lie down now or I’ll end up swearing like a sweary sweary thing, like I usually do, but I have the good grace not to offend you. Unlike those *************** pikeys.
Now as the pikey filth are parked illegally should not the law be applied to them and they be moved on by the law of the land….
Oh hang on I forgot we are in Brown’s “Cool Britannia”
Fucking gypo scum
TheEye thanks St Crispin for this post and is similarly stunned.
You couldn’t make it up.
This lies directly on the doorstep of Hazel Blears.
From the article: Hazel Blears has announced the first 43 locations where £21.6 million will be spent building new sites.
Is this how we treat or veterans? And everyone else for that matter? Yes, apparently. Wankers.
And GrumpyOldTwat – you post in your own style and don’t tone it down for here.
How kind you are.
Unlike Pikeys who are selfish, worthless pieces of shite.
My recent post on this topic will leave you in no doubt as to how enraged I am.