BlogRoll Suggestion: Falling Down
TheEye has observed that a blog called Falling Down has become aware of our non-corporeal existence and has alerted his readers to this fact. This may or may not be a disturbing occurrence.
The blogger, who calls himself “The Screech” is quite blunt – if you don’t like swearing then don’t bother to go there – and to give him firm credit he makes self-professed serial swearer Devil’s Kitchen seem very tame. Entertainment value on this site is guaranteed in bucket-loads.
If very close to the bone commentary on politics, society and, well, random stuff, is your thing then it’s on my blogroll…why not yours? Head over and see if it’s for you.
errr.. hi, not sure what to say about that, think you’ve left me speechless
TheEye has that impact on physical beings. Do not disappoint TheEye with your wit and some clever postings for you will always find good links from here.
As a sweary fucker meself he gets a 10/10 for being a sweary fucker.