Santa Loves All Kids, Even Ginger Ones…..
You have to laugh at the political correctness of it all.
Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco apologised on Tuesday after complaints that a Christmas card it sold was offensive to people with ginger hair. The card in question shows a child with red hair sitting on the lap of Santa Claus under the banner: “Santa loves all kids. Even ginger ones.” Davinia Phillips, whose three children all have red hair, was enraged when she saw the card at one of Tesco’s stores in northern England. “It’s discrimination, pure and simple. I have shown it to a lot of friends and they are all disgusted by it,” she was quoted by newspapers as saying.
Luckily, an appeal has already been launched to help us through this global catastrophe. (with apologies to David Vance‘s family!)
Bollocks, I’ve got a ginger daughter and this sort of oh so clever aren’t we funny shit encourages bullying.
If it does, then so does having big ears, or a funny name, or an accent or just about anything which is a bit different. You want everyone to be a clone?
Ginger birds have very small vaginas, in my experience. No offence.
I used to live with one – and you may well be right from your scientifically selected population sample, but its not universally true I guarantee. Living in Navy quarters as we did at the time may have been a contributing factor to that though.
No, I dont want everyone to be a clone I just don’t want people to be taken the piss out of in order to sell more food etc.
How about making a joke about Downs Syndrome children in a similar vein, or maybe blind kids, or even children with buck teeth – and let’s call them buck teeth!
I forgive you! The amount of traffic this has generated over at ATW is sensational. Tomorrow, Jesus hates Blondes – the facts…
I couldn’t have done it without you, David! You are, as ever, an inspiration to us all 😀
I’d hardly equate having red hair with Down’s Syndrome.
its all a bit OTT if you ask me
my 12 year old brother is ginger and he found it hilarious
he takes the piss out of himself for being ginger!
gets him through “bullying” anyway,
every ginger person i knew got through it by laughing it off and making fun of themselves! its not gonna hurt
Its all part of growing up, and basically nowadays there is a whole cottage industry devoted to being offended by something or other. If we can’t have a laugh at ourselves then life would be very boring….
Some twat put the familys address on Old Holborns site which generated a bit of a row but as someone pointed out, it was the mothers decision to put herself in the public eye, presumably for a pittance from the local paper.
Meanwhile from the Daily Mash
“Santa issued an angry statement after it emerged the supermarket chain Tesco was selling Christmas cards claiming he regarded ginger children as being equal to other kinds of children.
He said: “I want to make it absolutely clear that I do not love the ginger ones. In fact, I hate them. They make me physically sick.” =-O
Not sure where I stand about personal details being posted on sites. I suppose my line is “what would I remove if someone did it on a site of mine”.
There was a photo of a lorry splashing a cyclist on ISAC where the contact details of the lorry firm were posted so people could complain officially. That was fair. The bloke who urinated on that centotaph…I’d probably delete his details if anyone posted them here but I’ve got no problem that he got an earful from the public for what he did. This woman? She is just a moany old hag who probably tortures her henpecked husband and happily took £25 from the local free advert rag thinking it would all end there. She’s been a target of derision, contempt and jokes – not hatred like the others.
I must say, OH went up in my estimation no end yesterday. I moderate the Biased-BBC live-chat and he does the Guido one, which came up in one of GF’s posts. His splendid response (which I’d love to give on B-BBC, especially when OH is commenting there…
“As an occassional Mod on the PMQ’s I can only say it is a thankless task. There are hundreds of comments pouring in per minute, most of them seditious and libelous and it is the Mods job to sort it out in real time, plus not miss the action of PMQ’s.
Now fuck off”
B-BBC is a playground sandpit compared to GF but the sentiment is still true.
And saw the Mash, was going to update the post but forgot. Cheers!
OH doesn’t mince his words does he ? 😎