A Culture Of Dependency

January 6, 2010 at 10:15 pm

Three things which always hold true – death, taxes and people don’t vote against their own interests. So, when their own interests involve keeping their government job, they’ll vote for a party of big government. That’s why at the General Election the payroll vote will bolster the core Labour vote, and that’s why the US is currently controlled by the Democrats. If you work for the government then you tend to vote for bigger government.

That’s why this chart from the US is very worrying: 

  The US seems to have passed a tipping point. A point……if not of no return then one of extreme peril. Every government job means less money going to the private sector where things are actually produced. These people won’t want to lose their benefits and lifestyle. If those who identify ourselves as right of centre want smaller government and less money in the government, that inevitably means cutting bureaucracy. That will mean cutting government workers and people don’t vote against their own self interest.  Take another look at the graph. It’s scary.