Happy 75th To The Beer Can
Ideal for barbeques, working in the sun or helping you through the Biased-BBC QuestionTime live-chat, the humble beer can is truly a great invention. And for anoraks everywhere, you’ll be intrigued to know that New Jersey’s Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company churned out the world’s first beer can on January 24 1935, stocking select shelves in Richmond, Va., as a market test. The experiment took off and beer drinkers haven’t looked back since.
This came, of course, shortly after the grim dark horror of the 18th Amendment was ended in 1933. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans nowadays choose cans over bottles for the majority of the 22 gallons of beer they each drink per year – which goes to show you how much money is pointlessly wasted on daft Census questions.
Anyway…any excuse…cheers!
I resorted to this invention whilst tuning into the Biased BBC live chat (albeit late!) the other night. I needed it – my internet was playing all kinds of havoc.I don’t think my ISP like me communicating with other humans.
Oh, and not forgetting “tinnies on the train” on the way back from an afternoon at Lords (to get back on topic) 😀
I find that the live-chat moderation needs red wine, but yes, beer at the cricket is part of the whole spirit of the thing.