EyeTube Is Launched!
After all this talk of censorship on YouTube and GrumpyOldTwat losing some of the videos he has uploaded, TheEye decided to do something about it.
The result is EyeTube, a video sharing site which, guarded by the GrumpyOldTwat and myself, will be a safe haven for more controversial stuff than YouTube are happy to host.
Primarily started as a resource for political videos, the beta testers have also shown some very odd tastes in music so now it’s going to be open to pretty much anything. Except hard core stuff – you’ve got hard disks for that.
EyeTube will have a policy of free speech. Of course this works both ways….if your work is flamed or insulted in the Comments, you’ll be stunned how little the Administrators will care. Or you’ll find that they’ve joined in.
A big thank you to those who stepped forward when an appeal went out for Beta Testers. The site wouldn’t have been possible without the testing efforts of (in no particular order) Dioclese, Katabasis, BarkingSpider, CorrugatedSoundbite, microdave and TheBigYin. Fantastic effort, one and all. A big hat-doffing.
It would be good if bloggers could carry the logo as a link in your sidebar to spread the word, and if you can then here is the widget code:
So there you are. Eyetube.me The product of a whisky-induced idea, many late nights in front of a keyboard and far too much red wine when a clearer coding head was needed.
Please take a look and let us know what you think in the Comments here, at GOT‘s, or by email to Eyetube.
Way to go! Finally free speech the way it was intended, blunt and honest.
Delighted to have been of assistance!