David Nuttall MP: Top Bloke
Striking a blow for freedom of choice, let three cheers ring out around the land for David Nuttall MP and his 10 Minute Rule Bill to repeal the smoking ban.
Of course this effort to treat adults as, well, adults, is doomed to failure. Not only will it be stamped on by Cameron but the EU are planning an empire-wide ban anyway. Early anti-smoking zealot Adolf Hitler would be pleased. But who can’t support the idea that in a democratic country you go where you want and do what you want? And if that’s going to (or setting up) a non-smoking pub then fair play to you. And if it’s going to a pub where the smoke is so thick you need a knife to cut your way to the bar…that should be your equal choice.
No smoking ban here in Gibraltar yet, and a recent attempt to get some traction by half a dozen serial moaners gained no traction. Long may it stay that way.
Listen to David Nuttall talk about his first rate but doomed effort.
UPDATE: Defeated 86 – 141
Of course it won’t work but good for him, as for the Europewide smoking ban, it won’t affect us much because it is pretty well observed anyway (though I do hear of after hours smoke-ins). Why don’t they just let us die off in peace?
No smoking ban in Gib? Wow! 😀
Doomed or not .. at least this bloke has shown some balls & tried to make a difference ..
Absolutely, and it’s the very fact that such a popular move is doomed before it begins that teaches us a valuable lesson about how shallow our democracy really is. How far can men with balls go if they act within the system? Not far.
Yes, we are spoilt here in that respect still. It’s not strictly enforced everywhere in Spain either so you can get lucky in quite a few of the off the beaten track places.
Another reason why many ex-pats see their annual trip back to the UK visiting friends and relatives as a chore.
I abhore smoking and everything to do with it. It is bad for the health, the smoke stinks and it costs a lot of money. However, I detest this nannying by government. If I wanted to go in a pub before the smoking ban, that was my decision. I was prepared to put up with the smell because I like to socialise in pubs. I dont need some prat politician or a nannying health professional to make decisions for me.
Although I’ve never had a cigarette in my life I’m fully behind anyone who wants to. I’d like to choose whether to join them in any sort of pub; not the cottonwool-wrapped nonsense they are being turned into now.