October 27, 2010 at 2:05 pm

One of the great things about socialism is that it never learns, it is perpetually stupid. I suppose that is what appeals to leftists. Take Greek Prime Minister Papandreo.

Europe’s debt woes have returned to the fore after Greek premier George Papandreou threw open the door to fresh elections and vowed to liberate the nation from “slavery and surveillance”.

Ol’ George is for increasing bonus payments to pensioners (I think if you are over 50 you are technically “a pensioner) and for rejecting any cause for further austerity. You have to admire Greece – a financial basket case that is essentially bust and yet it continues to spend that which is does not posses. The structural weakness in Euroland is so obvious and yet it keeps stumbling forward more in hope than expectation. It seems to me that the Eurozone just cannot continue as currently constituted and the PIGS will have to leave or be slaughtered.