It’s Not About The Weather
Slowly the tide is being turned. People are realising that the “climate change” crisis (or whatever the Great Global Warming Hoax has been rebranded as this week) has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with taking money from successful wealth-creating countries and giving it to dysfunctional collectivist dictatorships favoured by the United Nations. Ottmar Edenhofer sets the record straight:
Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.
And this Ottmar Edenhofer should know what he’s talking about. He’s co-chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group III.
Bureaucrats can’t control the weather but they can take away your money and knock society back to living in mud huts. Unless we make clear that we’re not falling for it any longer.
Like theyre listening to us at all ASE, I would love to think that they did but unfortunately there is little chance that ‘they’ will listen unless its at gunpoint!
You could argue they were (almost) listening in Australia when all the liberal pundits said that Abbott was too much of a climate sceptic to win a general election. And but for two bribed outback MPs he would have.
Many of the new breed of US Republicans elected this month are also much more realistic.
In many respects we’re losing on a whole host of political fronts. But on this, so long as we can stop the brainwashing of our children, we may score a win in the longer term.
Has anyone advised old Ottmar not to go walking alone in woodland ?
Vaclav Klaus knows it’s a scam:
““Everyone knows that we all are going to pay for decades for the nonsense to promote photovoltaics.”
Look here:
Please can we have him for our PM?
Although if it’s brought before a British coroner it’ll certainly be ruled a suicide. After all, Dr David Kelly managed it with two headache pills and a viciously sharp plastic spoon.
Perhaps he’ll shoot himself twice and then cut his own head off…just to be sure,
He’s relatively sound on the EU too so yes, he’d be a great choice.