Muslims Offended By….Yodelling?!
Regular readers will know that TheEye has a long running and slow motion carcrash-like fascination with the ever-odd Austrian Times. And today it continues to amaze:
An Austrian has been fined for yodelling while mowing his lawn, according to a report. The Kronen Zeitung newspaper claims Helmut G. was told by a court in Graz, Styria, that his yodelling offended his next-door Muslim neighbours.
The men reportedly accused the 63-year-old of having tried to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin. The daily paper writes the Austrian was fined 800 Euros after judges ruled he could have tried to offend them and ridicule their belief. The Muslims, whose nationalities were not revealed by the report, were right in the middle of a prayer when the Austrian started to yodel.
“It was not my intention to imitate or insult them. I simply started to yodel a few tunes because I was in such a good mood” the man told the newspaper today (Mon).
That’s even more extreme than being “offended” by the smell of a takeaway shop.
The Austrian Times today, though, is the gift that keeps giving. Enjoy, for example “Lesbo Barbie Bust Up“
Furious Barbie manufacturers are suing artists who have created a nude calender of the top selling doll showing her in lesbian poses.
Some months show the doll simply nude, while others use raunchier shots of Barbie posing intimately with another female doll.
Now that Page3 calendars aren’t welcome in many repressed offices maybe this could be an alternative?
Yodelling = Funny
The call of the Muezzin = Annoying
Naked lesbian Barbie dolls = Strangely erotic
“Lesbo Barbie Bust Up” has to be the headlineof the year 😀 .
As for Moslems feeling offended (though in this country it tends to be white liberal guilt-mongers who get offended on their behalf) I have gone out of my way to buy a Christian themed Xmas light display which I will place in a street facing window just to offend those who like to be offended 😛 .
As posts go it’s a bit odd I’ll grant you! But the Barbie doll thing does have a certain something about it…
You’re right about who is loudest with the complaints. Sometimes – that pig piece being taken out of the farmyard child’s toy recently is a good example – it was White Guilt making the running and a couple of Muslims did indeed say in the media that they weren’t at all bothered.
Enjoy your Christmas lights! And I hope you cause offence to passers by.
I might have mentioned previously a conversation that i had with an immam about this; he says Moslems are not offended by pigs as such, nor images of them they just don’t want to eat them, a bit like us and dogs.;
They’d have been more than justified at being offended by some of the technicolour “yodels” which I’ve laid in my murky past … 😉