Emotional Distress Caused By Bird Insults
Taiwanese man has sued his neighbours claiming that they trained their mynah bird to swear at him and that the bird’s relentless taunting caused him serious emotional distress and injuries.
It seems that Wang Han-chin had previously complained to police that his neighbours were too loud, and he claimed that in revenge the five of them trained their bird to call him a “clueless big-mouthed idiot” when he left for work in the morning.
Wang claimed that the bird’s insults caused him serious distress, and had affected his concentration at work to the point that he had somehow burned himself. Prosecutors apparently declined to charge the neighbours with anything “due to insufficient evidence linking the bird to his injuries,”. So he sued.
A Mynah injury?
We’ve already phoned you a taxi, and your coat is just being fetched 🙂
He should thank his lucky stars that his name isnt Wun Hung Lo .. or it could have been much worse ..
This compo-seeking twat is a prime candidate for ISAC ..