Hu Jintao Visits Washington
Those completely demented Taiwanese amimators have been let loose on the Chinese leader’s state visit to Washington. It’s as off the wall as usual.
Also, mocking Obama’s tendency to bow to foreign leaders The Donald poked fun at him on Fox News. Speaking as Hu was about to arrive on US soil Donald Trump told Neil Cavuto, ”So, I don’t have a television in front of me: You’ll let me know whether our President drops to his knees, right?” “Obama will drop to his knees and kiss his hand,” “He’s done it before.” (that video from the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Monday April 12, 2010 isn’t as funny as the time Obama bowed to the mayor of Tampa).
They should make fun of Obama though, he is such a joke through and through. A more anti-British president you will have a hard time finding, in fact a more anti-British american person you will have a hard time finding. What a mong…
/13th Spitfire