BBC sacks contractor over licence fee warning letters
TheEye sees everything and does not choose to pay the Television Tax – as it is obviously not necessary for a non-corporeal being to part with cash to observe events.
However the Daily LabourGraph informs us that BBC sacks contractor over licence fee warning letters containing false statistics
“The corporation took the action after it was forced to admit, following an investigation by The Sunday Telegraph, that 6.6 million inaccurate letters had been sent by its TV Licensing arm over the past three years. “
A huge victory has been gained in the fight against the telly-tax and also against the disgracefully threatening letters sent by the BBC’s TV Licensing thugs. The company responsible for sending the letters, Proximity London, has been sacked by the BBC on Friday (12th Dec – sorry for the delay posting this) after it was uncovered that they were a bunch of knuckle-dragging thugs just making up statistics to justify themselves and their contract.
John Whittingdale – Chairman of the all-party Commons Culture, Media and Sport committee (and is also a top bloke), has rightly accused TV Licensing of behaving “like the Gestapo”, employing “tactics that are outrageous”…. “The tactics used by TV Licensing in their letters are intimidatory and cause genuine distress. Their records are not always correct, but they write letters that assume members of the public are criminals.”
This entity used to think that Noel Edmonds was awful (TheEye can be a snob occasionally), but since he’s joined newspaper columnist Charles Moore in boycotting the tax then maybe there is hope for dumping this nonsense.
TheEye heartily wishes that Biased-BBC gets more traffic…the political mood seems to be moving in the right direction for a change.
If no-one paid then this would all stop. Mass boycott. Why not?