Question Time LiveBlog 19th May 2011
Question Time comes tonight, unbelievably, from inside HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs. Built in the 1880s by convict labour (imagine trying that today…can’t do that, it’s me uman rites, innit) – past inmates include escapee Soviet spy George Blake and the only UK Minister to have been confirmed as a Soviet spy John Stonehouse.
On the panel we have Ken Clarke, Jack Straw, token right-winger Melanie Phillips and Universal Shami Chakrabarti. To be fair, Chakrabarti hasn’t been on QT for at least a couple of weeks now so the BBC probably think we’re missing her or something.
It’s fair to assume that the first question will be about rape, so make sure you have the Shrill Feminist Whine setting turned right down on your television set.
The LiveBlog will stay open for the surreal This Week, with Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo.
David Vance, TheEye and David Mosque will be moderating the abuse here from 10:30pm. See you later!
If they don’t get out of jail they will never re-offend, its that simple. So the longet they stay the better the rest of us are.
Everyone in jail need more money?
Prison works.
Stop the guards bringing in drugs. Stop drugs in jail.
Simple things, but not what anyone will mention…
Future victems, long sentences and then there is not future!
Having watched Strangeways also tonight, I’ve got to say I think they are all bonkers. Surely if you don’t want to be deprived of your vote, want to see your wife etc then don’t commit a crime????