Giggs – The AntiClimax
Something has just happened of no interest at all.
A week ago? Two? Longer? Thousand Year Superinjunction Reichs were the gossip of the moment. The names involved were new, dangerous, exciting. Mr Justice Eady was busy making law up on the spur of the moment and all was well in the world of sharp-suited lawyers.
Twitter soon saw an end to that. Offshore bloggers safely published on offshore blogs the full rundown of names and inside leg measurements. MaxFarquar (where TheEye is a co-conspirator) was the place to be for the hot story…so hot in fact that as the news broke so did the server and needed a hasty upgrade. TheEye still wakes up in cold sweats recalling the rushed tech work required that night.
Now publicity-junkie, all-round media whore and serial adulterer John Hemming MP has ‘broken’ the news in Parliament. He’s made headlines around the world telling Parliament ‘officially’ something that anyone in the UK not living under a stone has known for so long that it has got cobwebs on it.
Yawn. If you want news then TheEye posted this on MaxFarquar when it was interesting. Now the embers are cooling, so the MSM are welcome to what’s left…
This is not in the same league as the injunction slapped on the Trafigura affair – when a company accused of illegal chemical dumping sought undeserved silence through the courts. That was pure abuse of power by a company. This is an altogether more sordid he-said-she-said argument. She said she couldn’t afford the 50k to get a counter-injunction, he says she blackmailed him etc etc. If you don’t want the shame, keep it in your trousers. That must apply equally, under the law, for international footballers and TheEye when he’s down the pub.
There is no legal difference and there must be no legal difference. Equal access to the law is a fundamental right, and ‘I’m married’ is still ‘I’m married’. The law must not add on ‘…plus I have sponsorship deals to think of’.
Yet in both cases Bilbo the SpeakerDwarf has sought to limit the *absolute* right of Parliamentary Privilege to discuss *anything they want to* and that is a disgrace to his office. The Speaker has a duty to uphold the rights of Parliament and not the Judiciary or the Executive. That Bercow has failed so manifestly in his sworn duty makes him (even more) unfit for office.
Speaker Bercow (and it’s not the first time TheEye has screamed and cursed this) must go.
I’ve been of the opinion for sometime, that although the hacks in th MSM sneer at the blogosphere, they are going to slowly, but surely lose their dominance of the news. Bloggers and tweeters may not have the money and resources to fly to exotic destinations to find the news but are using electronic communication that no-one would have envisaged to be effective as little as five years ago.
There is a wealth of information in the wild that no celebrity or politician, can hide from the electorate for any length of time, super injunction or not.
Remember that bloke on a mountainside who was randomly hiking…and is now a pub quiz question as the first person to tweet about Bin Laden’s base being hit?
Mainstream hacks are now blogging because they see the way that things are going – so Mr Justice Eady might as well hang up his wig. Freedom has no boundaries.
Couldn’t have put it better ASE. Perfect summary of what is frankly a nonsensical, ludicrous and arbitary judgement. Thank goodness that the worst kept secret in the western world is ‘out’.
not Bilbo, Gollum!!
And there are a few more to follow ‘officially’ DM but there aren’t any shocks to be had any more.
Common Law in the UK adapts to circumstances and the only upside to this whole affair is that it will do so now – and sharpish.
Oh, and Mr Justice Eady will get a well deserved kicking. That’s another up-side.
Sneaky little hobbitses!