Signed, Sealed, Delivered: GrumpyOldTwat’s Input Here
Your (previously) dual-conspirators have given the GrumpyOldTwat a non-sweary haven in exchange for St Crispin and (more likely) TheEye a chance to vent their spleen in splendidly obscene verbosity elsewhere.
This will remain, by agreement between St C, G.O.T. and myself a non-sweary family-friendly blog.
The welcome could not have been more generous from the G.O.T.and St C and TheEye have been making a nuisance of ourselves in G.O.T.’s comments randomly for a while now.
The G.O.T. hasn’t seen my rant in the pipeline yet. Much like a six day old Indian takeaway it is festering nicely.
I’ll tell you what though, this picture is a great bit of digital messing-around-with-image-stuff on his part. Anyone want to offer him graphics work?
Not sure if he wants it but I loved the picture myself.
Thank you. You’re most kind.
I’m currently under going strict and intense retraining in the art of ‘non anglo saxon articulation’. Apart from the odd lapse it’s not going too badly but so far all my attempts at non sweary comprehension have ended up being fucking useless. (blast, I’ve done it again)
Do not fret though, my friend.
All will be alright come the night.
So looking forward to ‘That Rant’ of yours. I’m so excited I might pee my pants. (sorry Gordon no pun intended) Well actually it was intended.
(blast, I’ve gone too far the other way now)
It’ll be “Twot” next and then we’ll know you’ve turned into a refugee from Grange Hill.
or maybe a refugee from the Vicar of Dibley?
Theological Word of the Old Testament
” Flippin ‘eck Tucker “
Non-sweary Grange Hill supremo Phil Redmond had our mixed heritage chum Benji curse soon to be AIDS afflicted Todd Carty with that one.