They Shall Not Grow Old (Revisited)
In February TheEye blogged on the refusal of this disgusting Government to help subsidise our D-Day veterans to attend the 65th anniversary commemoration of their heroism.
The MoD only provide funding to commemorate 25th, 50th, 60th and 100th anniversaries of major engagements but quite how many veterans would be around for the 100th is a fairly daft question as only about 500 are thought to be fit enough to make it to this one.
The One-Eyed Snot Gobbler has seen the way that the mood was going and said on Friday that he wanted to be “very much part” of a photo opportunity commemoration of the troops. It was rather ironic as he was also speaking from a Fuhrerbunker where he is busy moving non-existent battalions around a map shortly before his doom. Of course he wants to raid the National Lottery cash to do it, but its the thought which doesn’t count.
However it is good to see that there is still some evidence of backbone in the populace. We see that Peter Hodge, Hon Sec of the Normandy Veterans Association, said:
“There is no way in the world I am going to agree with the National Lottery standing up and saying they sent our veterans to Normandy in the 65th anniversary,”
“The people of this country have put the money together and the veterans this year will be going to Normandy with the blessing and the appreciation of the British people and there is no way, that 10 weeks before the kick-off, that they are going to take the credit for this.”
The funds for the commemoration are being paid for by private donations and an appeal by the Daily Mail. TheEye has given something…please consider doing so as well.
Good for Peter Hodge, the government have been smarmimng behind their ” official policy” for years , in effect telling our proud veterans to shut up and die.
It is outrageous for Grungey Gordon to try to barge his way in now that they have raised their own funds and public awareness. Using OUR lottery funding just makes this hoonishes that much the worse. Oi Lottery, since you have spare cash floating around, give it ti the Village Hall Restoration Fund, like we want you to and not to some Somali Lesbian Commune.
John Major… love’im or hate’im said that the lottery which he set up would not be used for Govt spending. Money for the NHS, for example, came out of your taxes and you voted for the party whose tax rates you least hated.
Now the lottery has been raided for the Olympics, the NHS, this shambles…and as you say, things like pikey camp liaison committees.
It should go back to the original intentions – good causes and local projects run by real local residents.