Euro Predictions
TheEye is looking forward to the carnage of the Euro Elections.
Various people have tagged TheEye for predictions but it is easier just to fisk this email from a co-conspirator and my good friend A.
“So my predictions are : For the Euros, Labour down a lot, Tories down a bit, UKIP up two or three, Greens up one or two, LibDems down one or two, BNP bastards either narrowly winning or narrowly losing just one seat, in the North West. But remember, sixty per cent of the electorate won’t vote at all and who knows which sixty that will be? For the counties, huge Tory gains, appreciable Lib gains, a step forward for Greens,some Ukip seats but not many, massive Labour losses, including at least three of their four defended counties and BNP swine winning their first county seats, probably in Lancashire or Yorks....Let’s compare notes on all this a week from today.
Hmmm. Thoughts on A’s ideas.
Disagree on his predictions. Labour in meltdown and Tories to make substantial gains. For example in the SWest and Gib area Conservative candidate 4 Mike Dolley should make the cut even though a 4-slot in the past was always out of sight for the Tories. UKIP to go down because their slease and expulsions (image) will outweigh their popular anti-EU message. Greens will tread water (A is a Green activist hence his optimism). LibDims to slip and BNP to pick up a couple in NE or NW.
As for A’s County predictions, no, Libs will tick on +/- 30 or so. Greens will tread water. 4/4 Labour Council losses…3/4 overall and the other to NOC.
There are various liveblogs on the night. TheEye will be a nuisance on several and a moderator on one. Any predictions of results are welome in the comments but no prizes for the closest.
Huge hat-tip to the GOT for the image as always.
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