And Today’s Lesson, Boys And Girls…
…is about “Tess The Traveller”.
You’ve guessed it. Jack and Jill, Janet and John etc are toast in todays politically correct world. The Department for Children, Schools and Families (which used to be the Department for Education and Science before it gave up on those ideas and thought that lefty brainwashing was easier than teaching).
Anyway, 3-7 year olds are now being taught about a thieving chav who dumps her caravan in a law-abiding farmers field and proceeds to let her spawn-of-Satan brat conceived during a drug-fuelled fondle with a fugitive asylum seeker run around kicking the sheep.
At no point is the child’s father mentioned. Tess makes money selling stolen property at car boot sales and other travellers steal fruit to sell (remove the ‘stolen’ and this is actually accurate).
They have missed one trick though. The brat’s earring is on the left rather than the other side which as a traditional indication of homosexuality would have been soooooo much more PC.
From the Mail:
The books have already been sent out to hundreds of primary schools and some large local education authorities have bought bulk sets to hand out to their schools.
It is part of a Government diversity drive to promote children’s awareness and tolerance of gipsy and traveller issues from a young age.
Well, it’s true that we already seem to tolerate the issue of vast amounts of benefits to them without question so that’s a promising start.
But critics accuse the stories of romanticising the traveller lifestyle and encouraging children to follow it instead of achieving in education.
Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe said: ‘If we’re really committed to family life in this country we need to show children the values of the family.
‘If we want to promote stability then we need to have books that show characters living with two parents in a conventional home.
‘Otherwise children will grow up believing that a traveller’s life is something beneficial.’
The books, which are recommended by the charity The Children’s Society, were paid for by a grant from the Lloyds TSB Foundation. The bank is 43 per cent state owned after the Government bailed it out with millions of pounds of public money.
A spokesman for Friends, Families and Travellers, which campaigns against discrimination towards gipsies and travellers, said the books would raise awareness among schoolchildren.
She added: ‘Children grow up learning about people from all sorts of backgrounds, so why not travellers?’
Why shouldn’t children grow up to learn about Travellers. This way they may actually learn the truth rather then what people like you believe from reading newspapers.
I am an Irish Traveller. I live in a Travellers site, I pay council tax, I contribute towards the economy.
What’s even more interesting is in know that I am wasting my time even writing this as you probably don’t even want to consider that what you are saying is racist. These comments from you are racist. If you honestly thing what you are saying is right and correct then there is no point me saying much more. I just hope there will come a day when you will see what harm people like you are doing. It’s horrible
But if you do want to stop being such a self centred racist person- send me an email and i would be more than happy to enlighten you.
As a child I well remember being exposed to crappy govt. posters and films about smoking and drinking; my, how we laughed. Utterly counter-productive as will be current propaganda re homos and Pikeys.
Racist? It’s never racist. I do wish you and your pc correct allies would stop using the word racist when you mean it’s a cultural argument. Nothing to do with race whatsoever. The illustration shows two pink people so why are the comments racist? (I’m assuming ASE is pink-ish).
I would much rather see my children being taught a reasonable standard of reading, writing and arithmetic than have them read this type of material.
I agree Guest 13:15. There is no mention of race in the post until Guest 12:57 uses the word in the comments. It’s a word far too easily bandied about and should not be used lightly, or, in the context of this post, at all.
This is not a ‘racist’ post. It is a post about the standards and values taught in schools today. There is a phrase often quoted although no-one seems to know the source which applies here: “Give me a child from the ages of 3 to 9 and he will be mine for life” or variations thereof. Teach children things at this age and they will believe them to be a mainstream part of society. This applies equally to sex education, right and wrong, competition isn’t evil and how to string a sentence together without resorting to txt-speak.
The lifestyle described is not mainstream and a child should be told at an impressionable age that it is. If they want to run away and join the circus then let them grow up first and understand both sides of the coin.