Twittercratic Oaf
Originally I thought that I would probably be better off doing this post over at my usual place but then I thought, what the heck, let’s see if I can manage it here without reverting to type.
This latest example of Gordon Brown’s prudence doesn’t appear to have come from his Manual of “How to cut Britain’s £175 billion deficit by slashing the costs of Government spending”.
The Foreign Office believes that it can no longer conduct it’s business without a ‘Head of Digital Engagement’, a position that is vital if it wants to make a ‘major contribution to the UK’s global diplomatic effort’.
A kind of ‘Twittercrat”, if you will. What the f. . . .
This ‘essential’ position has also been advertised with a rather hefty salary of £90,000-a-year. Now that really is taking the p . . .
Oh how I laughed, like a drain that had just swallowed the entire contents of a nitrous oxide cylinder, when I read this latest way of Labour, wrecklessly spending tax payers’ money.
Twittercratic oaf – excellent line. 🙂