Too Old To Vote?
TheEye has always believed that this universal franchise thing is much overrated. Votes for women, eh? And bring back the property franchise. Democracy (from the Greek ‘demos‘ meaning ‘people‘ and ‘cracy‘ meaning ‘stupid‘) all started going downhill after the 1932 Reform Act, basically….
However things may be looking up overseas. An initiative has been launched in Croatia to keep people older than 70 from voting.
Independent economic expert Ante Babic wants to deny people older than 70 or 80 the right to vote. The initiative has been taken seriously as Babic has been an adviser of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
“The initiative is very dangerous since it would constitute discrimination against some of Croatia’s citizens,” opposition presidential candidate Vesna Pusic from the Croatian People’s Party (HNS) told the daily Slobodna Dalmacija in the run-up to the presidential election scheduled for 27 December.
Babic said retired people had too much impact on the country’s economy and added his proposal would be a way of helping to diminish it. There are over one million retired people in Croatia, which has a population of 4.5 million.
Nobody mention this idea to weapons grade uber-arse David Monks or he’ll want to add it to his long list of proposals to slant the voting system even more in favour of the Labour Party.
Isn’t this just the sickest thing? So,because you’re old,not contributing tax anymore and are still ALIVE,you have no say.You are deemed too old to think for yourself .In a way Hitler was before his time ( and I DON’T mean that in a good way ).The world is closer to Nazisum today than even ever.These are dark,dark days.
Nice to see the old biddy in the photo celebrating 100 years of smoking.
Older people know too much about the fuckers in power – best if they don’t have a say, then!! 😉
I just did a search on Google regarding euthanasia law in Croatia. It’s late and I didn’t search comprehensively, but it doesn’t seem to be the done thing there – yet. I shall be keeping a lookout for any changes to that.
Although it’s just dawned on me (bear with me, I’m sloshed on red wine!) that now Croatia is a proper obedient country within the EU, one would assume killing the elderly and calling it euthanasia will be sanctioned sooner or later. As for us all. Only a matter of time…
Anyone forwarded this to Age Concern 😀