Two Cheers For Saudi Arabia
It seems that the Saudis are shocking the world again by being brutal to criminals:
A Saudi court of cassation upheld a ruling to behead and crucify a 22-year-old man convicted of raping five children and leaving one of them to die in the desert, newspapers reported on Tuesday.
The convict was arrested earlier this year after a seven-year old boy helped police in their investigation. The child left in the desert after the rape was three years old, Okaz newspaper said.
International rights groups have accused the kingdom, the birthplace of Islam, of applying draconian justice, beheading murderers, rapists and drug traffickers in public. So far this year about 40 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia.
TheEye isn’t very fond of Saudi Arabia, their culture, the way they treat women, or the death cult version of Islam so many of the people there live under. That being said, it’s a shame that we can’t send Roman Polanski there to be tried for rape. And child rapists certainly deserve all they get.
As a society, we can get so caught up in the idea of being “civilized” that we forget that barbarous behaviour sometimes merits an equal response. There are a lot of things wrong about Saudi Arabia but the way they’re treating a serial child rapist isn’t one of them.
I thought about blogging about this one but I really just didn’t have many additional words to say exactly what you just said.
No less than he deserved.
What is the point of crucifying him “after” he’s been beheaded ?
They should stick his beheaded head on a spike if they want to display him at all.