Obama Awarded Black Belt To Go With Peace Prize
Wouldn’t it be nice to be awarded all sorts of honoursĀ – Editor of the Harvard Law Review, President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize laureateĀ – without ever accomplishing anything? In the latest memo from the No I’m Not Kidding Department: Chairman Zero was awarded a black belt in tae kwon do by the President of South Korea during his Asia junket.
There is no more evidence that Comrade Obama has studied tae kwon do than there is that he’s qualified to serve as President, although no one can be sure, with his college years kept so tightly under wraps. Whether the black belt on its own would do him any good in a fight is doubtful, but still, rather like the Nobel Peace Prize, it’s all about potential and not being George W Bush, eh?
if he got an honorary degree in being a cunt,it would be believable.But not this.