School Rulz
A strange article from the ever-unreadable Brighton Argus:
A school in Lewes has sent parents a letter reminding them that guns, whips and knuckle dusters are banned in class.
Show-And-Tell next week? Cancelled.
TheEye actually took a English longbow (complete with the pointy dangerous add-on bits) to college a good few years ago for educational purposes in an attempt to edjumkate the masses.
Would probably be arrested now on ‘elf’n’safety grounds because you could get a splinter in your finger.
Knuckle-dusters I can believe, guns (probably) also. But WHIPS???
(srill saying my blogger account is invalid)
Parents should reply that capturing elthnsafety regulators and pointing their eyes out with a pencil is also banned.
Blogger thing doesn’t work for me half the time either, banned.
Anyway, the Echo comments system officially dies in October so I’m going to shift the whole thing to WordPress.
Just need to find the time…